The Road

On title changes and journeys

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As I get closer to releasing the third short story of the In Caves & Catacombs series, I feel it’s time to announce that the title has been changed from “The City” to “The Road”. What once was an idea for a starting chapter has become a novella in its own right. Don’t blame me. Blame April, the blonde machete-wielding lead, for being so interesting.

The rewrite process on this one has been brutal. As in, toss out very nearly everything and start all over again. What was once a story about old lovers reunited under extraordinary circumstances has become a journey undertaken by two strangers and an examination of the meaning of community instead. This story has disrupted the arc of the entire series, but hers is a story that warrants telling.

Book 4 is an eventuality. And that will appropriately be titled “The City”. My only uncertainty is whether April will make it there or not. I’m just narrating the events as they unfold. I have no more control than you, reader.

Find out what happens soon!