The City

I'm a bad blogger (and other motherhood things)

Truly. I am a bad blogger. But I am here! And somehow, still writing (if slowly). The last eight months have been utterly life-altering. I’m a new mom and we’ve moved! These are both good things, but I’m left feeling a little …unsteady, perhaps, when it comes to picking up where I left off.

I’m finding that it’s hard to write when your whole world view has changed. Ironically, one of the characters I’ve been having the most trouble working on is a mother. You’d think having my first child would get the writing to flow from my fingertips. But instead it’s ripped me out of place and the first three chapters I’ve written are all wrong. And maybe it’s because I was imagining what motherhood would be like for so long that this character strikes me as inauthentic. And if I can’t relate to her because she isn’t real enough, then neither will anyone else.

Ah, yes. This. This is why I blog. Writing inspires… more writing!

As the dust settles around our new “normal” life, I solemnly swear I will find time to develop my characters. Look for more updates on Book 3 of In Caves & Catacombs: The City, coming soon! And if you need some light Halloween reading, check out The Man in White, a spooky short story now available for pre-order on Amazon.


Me, trying desperately to slog through the waves at a reasonable pace

Me, trying desperately to slog through the waves at a reasonable pace

So. I weirdly feel accountable for reporting my writing progress when I blog. Which is probably why I haven't posted in a little over a month. Between professional development classes, working, and other exciting personal life developments, it feels like I'm trying to run in water! But here's my progress report anyway, dear readers:

  • The first full length novel draft of Out of the Efrenen Sea (working title), is complete at over 80,000 words. I'll be workshopping it all fall and winter, and then begin sending it out to agents/publishers. 
  • The third book in the In Caves & Catacombs short story series is in progress! The City is coming along, and I'd estimate I'm about a third of the way through the first draft. It's been a delightful project so far. I'm a sucker for a good romance, especially in doomsday scenarios. It sounds weird, and it is. I won't apologize for it.

So there. There's my progress report. It's happening... slowly. But it's happening!!