Up and coming

Upcoming Release: The Cave

This blog post was scheduled for LAST MAY. That’s right… May of 2021. I’ve published it today because now that I’m preparing the final draft for publication in June of 2022, it’s kind of fun to think of where the book was then vs. where it is today (March 5th, 2022). Look for another blog post today! Or maybe tomorrow… but I promise it won’t be another year before I post again XD

Work on The Cave has been consistent, which is very exciting for me to report :) I’ve been keeping up with my own deadlines and am about halfway through the book! I was hoping to be farther along, but as it turns out, The Cave may actually be a novel-length work on its own. Don’t blame me—there are a lot of loose ends to tie up in the series finale ;) Such as…

  • Warren & April: Are they forever?

  • April & Valentino: Will they finally meet?

  • Damian & April: Will this get complicated?

  • Damian & Wolf: DOES THE DOG DIE?!

  • Valentino & Maggie: Yes, we see Valentino again… and he’s going to meet Maggie.

  • Abigail & Emma: Who the heck are they?

  • Nathan: Wait… Nathan, Nathan? As in… kept April imprisoned in a bunker, Nathan?!

Okay, so some of those characters are brand new, so if you’re scratching your head right now, it’s because you don’t know them yet. But you’re about to. And that’s why The Cave may very well end up being full novel-length! There’s just too much to pack into a novella. My original idea for this series was to test the waters of self-publishing and set the stage for By Scion and Sea with a prequel novella/short story. But the story grew. And grew. Aaaaand grew. And as the story kept getting bigger and more involved, it became more of a novel told in multiple parts.

So now here we are. If you combine the page count for the first three novellas (The Boat, The Grave, and The Road) you’d have a 240-page (or so) novel. And the more I write into The Cave, the closer it gets to another 250+ page no-longer-novella-length work.

So where do we go from here? If we’re wrapping up In Caves & Catacombs with The Cave, what happens next? Enter By Scion and Sea. This is the next full-length novel work, and thus begins the Efrenen Sea series, which is set in the year 2500. So hold on to your hats, everyone. The next year is going to be a doozy!