Book 2: The Grave

You like free stuff, right?

...Because The Grave is completely free to download until Tuesday (May 22nd) starting tonight at midnight! And YES you can read The Grave before you read The Boat (book 1)!

The Grave is more of a novella than a short story, and it follows Damian, an Iraq veteran and his dog, Wolf, who have been living on the streets of Oceanside in northern California. When the viral outbreak hits their town, they must survive not only the infection, but the nuclear fallout after the majority of the town gets evacuated. This second installment is an indirect sequel to The Boat, and allows readers to experience the apocalypse from a new perspective, while setting the stage for the most exciting chapter yet in the In Caves & Catacombs short story series. 

More announcements will come soon about Book 3! To get details about upcoming releases, appearances and book signings emailed directly to your inbox, sign up for the monthly newsletter now!

Updated Countdown: Two Weeks to the Grave!


Okay so listen. I know I said Book 2: The Grave would be available for pre-order on the 20th (in two days, eek!). BUT! I am a writer of fiction, so... it'll be out for pre-order on May 2nd instead!

I know, two more weeks, but trust me, it'll be worth it. I'm taking it through the grueling process of edit-edit-editing and despite being thoroughly sick of it, I must to do my characters and story line justice. Indulge me, dear readers, and stay tuned for more announcements!

Book 2: The Grave Release Date

Alright folks, I am back at it and finishing up "The Grave", which is the second book in the "In Caves & Catacombs" series of short stories. In fact, I've made so much progress that I even have a pre-order release date:

May 1st, 2017

Woohoo! *tries not to panic about what feels like a lofty goal* In preparation for launch (and to make sure I stay on track), I will be releasing new, unedited, pre-release teasers here, so be sure to subscribe to get the latest information.

If you enjoyed the "The Boat", get ready for "The Grave", which will feature a whole new set of characters in the same apocalyptic universe setting, in a similar quick-read format. Here's a tidbit from Chapter Two:

        “Of course I’m listening,” she declared. “But you have to understand, this isn’t news to us. We’ve got three of them in the back right now that we’re tending to. It’s happening everywhere.”
        “So it is contagious,” he reached out his finger to scroll down the screen as he continued to read.
        “Sure as heck is. They say if it goes airborne they’re going to start quarantining areas to ‘clean it out’. You’re former military—you know what that means,” she waved the possibility off like it wasn’t real. “Right now it’s just like any virus, you gotta get all up in somebody’s business to catch it. Spit or snot, stuff like that. I don’t need to paint you a picture, do I?”
        He looked over the bright screen into her crows-feet framed blue eyes. They had the kind of brightness he used to see in the mirror. He frowned. Was she… excited by the possibility of the apocalypse? Or just excited to catch him up on the grim state of the world?
        “Nah, I think I got it. So don’t get up in anybody’s business that looks sick, huh?”
        “That’s right. If I were you, I’d skedaddle. Go to the beach or the woods, wait until this all blows over.”
        “Why dontcha come with me, Cyn? We could have a hell of a time on the beach.”
        He leaned over the desk again, approximating a wink. He hadn’t done it in so long, he probably just blinked.
        She guffawed, slapping her knees and waving him off, just like she’d waved off the possibility of martial law and government-sanctioned mass murder. Still, it was a better response than he’d expected.

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