A Christmas Collaboration

Winter Fairytale Inspiration

With the year drawing to a close, I've gained an appreciation for the writing projects that took the majority of my time these last few months. Before, I was so focused on the novel that I felt guilty working on anything else. But writing, like everything else, takes practice. I've learned that the more poetry and short stories I write, the better my novel becomes. So although my Type A personality whispers that the past few months have been unproductive, I know in a deeper sense that I'm doing exactly what I should be, and ultimately, my readers will benefit from it.

With that out of the way, I'm excited to announce that there is a NEW story that will be available to download this Christmas! "Wizards in Winter" is a fantastical Christmas-themed collaborative short story with my fellow author Joshua Converse (@joshuaconverse and http://joshuaconverse.wixsite.com/joshuaconverseauthor). Join Enoch the Red Wizard in this dark winter fairy tale that features magic, quests, blizzards and a collection of memorable magical beings. It's an utterly new genre for me, and it's been a blast to work on--I promise, it'll be just as fun to read!

More information coming soon!